Covid Recovery
Thank you for praying for our family as we battled the Coronavirus. We have almost completely recovered. Ramona still does not have her taste or smell. She would appreciate your prayers for that to return for her. I had the worst of the symptoms, but I believe I am all the way better. We are thankful the kids just had mild fevers for two days and were completely fine after that. My parents are doing better and seem to be on the mend. Thank you for your prayers for their full recovery.
Praise Notes
The timing of contracting the virus could not have been any better for us. We did not have any meetings scheduled during the time we were quarantined.
Pastor Paul Pierucki has graciously provided a place for us to stay the last few months, and it has been a tremendous blessing for us.
Several churches voted to partner with our ministry recently, bringing our support to 23%.
I started taking Hungarian lessons online with a tutor. The ‘random’ tutor I chose online for her credentials was the same lady who taught Dr. and Mrs. Potter in Pecs for years! Ramona chatted with her in Hungarian at the start of my first lesson. Please pray for Nikolett’s salvation.
Prayer Requests
Our meetings are all in heavy winter climates in January and February. Pray for travel mercies and warmth as we travel to our meetings in the Dakotas and upper Minnesota in the start of this new year.
Pray that we have gospel opportunities as we travel.
We are thankful for meetings every Sunday from January - March with one opening in February. Pray for remaining dates in April, and June - September to be filled
Thank you for your prayers and support! I trust you all have a great Christmas with your families as we celebrate our Savior’s birth. Merry Christmas and God bless! Jake Allen.